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Your Support Makes Us Smile

iGo Global Staff • November 20, 2014

I remember my last Black Friday experience all too well. And when I say last, I do not mean most recent. I mean the one that ended it for me forever.

No, it wasn’t one of those truth is stranger than fiction brawls at the local Walmarts over bath towels. It was much more boring than that. Much, much more.

The scene was Sports Authority. The time was just after midnight on Black Friday (or Thanksgiving night if that’s how you prefer to handle the midnight hour discussion). I didn’t camp out. I actually sat in my truck in the parking lot until they opened the doors and let the real crazies go inside. I wasn’t in a huge hurry, and the item in question didn’t have the notorious fine print: limited quantity available. So I was good.

I made my way into the warmth, bright lights, and festive music of the store. I picked up a few items in that too good to pass up category, before I located The Item. Yes, the motorized scooter for $50 off that had beckoned me from the warmth of my bed. There were plenty left. Even in the preferred color. I was, in my opinion, winning.

Then I turned around and saw the line. When I say I saw the line, I mean I saw the line in the same way you can see Interstate 30 from the Whataburger on the corner of I30 and Hwy 205 in Rockwall.

The line that I saw started at the cash register, snaked it’s way through the “super-mega-hot-door-busting-deals of the century, winded up through a couple racks of Nike Elite socks, continued up the aisle next to the entire shoe selection, made the turn at the back of the store by the bicycles and exercise equipment, and was continually extending down the back aisle by the hunting and fishing equipment.

It was right then and there that I made a horrible error. I decided to “look around some more” as the line died down. 30 minutes later, equipped with a few more items to make this “worth it,” I entered the line…just past the hunting equipment near the camping section.

And the next hour and a half ended Black Friday for me…forever.

Well, that and As an Amazon Prime member, I get free 2-day shipping…even during the Christmas season! Most of the time I get prices that are lower than the store. They even have their own Black Friday deals as well as the new-fangled Cyber Monday deals. And I shop from my couch, where I only have to listen to my own kids screaming and crying in the background.

So why the big Amazon plug? I share that with you because I hope it will help you. I really do. But, that isn’t the only reason. Shopping at Amazon could also be one of the ways you help iGo Global.

Amazon has a new initiative they call Amazon Smile . When you shop at Amazon using the iGo Global Smile link, Amazon donates a percentage of every dollar you spend to iGo (aka i-Witness Ministries). This is what you call a classic win-win situation. You get good deals on all the items on your list this Christmas season from the comfort of your home. At the same time, you are supporting the work of sending students all over the planet to make Him famous.

Your support of iGo always makes us smile. This Christmas, that smile could get even bigger. Below are the links you need.

Here is the link to the iGo Global (iWitness Ministries) Amazon Smile storefront – iGo Global Amazon Smile. 

You can also download an extension for your browser so that all your Amazon shopping year-round can benefit iGo Global. Follow this link for that. 

Thanks so much for helping us out. Happy Thanksgiving!

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