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Launch Box: The Top 5

iGo Global Staff • November 4, 2014

By now you have heard about Launch Box, right? Hopefully you have seen the Launch Box trailer. You might have wondered if the name is just a typo. You quite possibly enjoyed playing the crazy corn-hole game at conclave. And you surely are aware that Launch Box is that brand new thing that iGo really, really want you to know about.

But what exactly is this Launch Box thing? Why should you consider bringing your youth group or student group to a week of Launch Box in 2015? To answer that, iGo presents The   Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Launch Box. 

1. Launch Box is missions. 14 years ago iGo Global began providing opportunities for students to engage least reached and unreached people groups. This passion is still at the heart of what we do, and it is the heart of Launch Box. In Plano, Texas and Oklahoma City students who attend Launch Box will join the work of local churches in reaching out to internationals through relational evangelism, outreach events, ESL classes, conversation partners, food pantries, distribution, and more. When you bring your students to Launch Box, they will get to engage people that have very little access to the gospel.

2. Launch Box is training. iGo is not a sending organization. Sending is the church’s job. We are a training organization. Students who participate in Launch Box will be trained as they engage the mission. They will be trained with a theology of missions by focusing on four Biblical doctrines (we call them the iGo Core Values ). Launch Box students will also be trained in cross-cultural engagement so that they can effectively reach out to people of different backgrounds. Ultimately, Launch Box students will be trained to live on mission. The goal of the week is not to check the mission trip box, but to launch your students back into a life on mission where they live. Our training focuses on that.

3. Launch Box is worship. Every day at Launch Box we will gather together for personal and corporate worship. As John Piper said best, “worship is the fuel and goal of missions.” Launch Box will emphasize the worship and mission connection with Biblical worship and Biblical preaching. We are beyond excited to share with you that several worship leaders/bands have agreed to partner with Launch Box in 2015. Nick Gainey , Cole Risner , and Sixteen Cities will be leading worship for us in our first year! In addition, the preaching will be brought to you by Lance Shumake, Brad Cardwell, and Ky Martin . We are pumped about the 2015 lineup!

4. Launch Box is fun. In case you don’t really know us, let me just say that we do NOT take ourselves very seriously (The People would like to present Exhibit A and Exhibit B ). At the same time, we are very serious about the mission. How does that play out? Well, I can’t really explain that to you in a blog post. I can simply tell you that while your students are at Launch Box, they will get to be part of a serious mission. And they will get to have some good old-fashioned fun along the way. Got students that are ready for an intense mission trip? Bring them to Launch Box. Got some students that are still figuring their walk with Christ out? Bring them to Launch Box.

5. Launch Box is budget friendly . Overseas trips at iGo Global cost in the neighborhood of $3000 per person. This doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be done or that it is too expensive. But it does mean that it isn’t for everyone all the time. One of the things we are most excited about when it comes to Launch Box, is our ability to offer an amazing mission experience to students for around $250 per person (Even less if you register early, hint hint)! This means you can bring more students and adults with you. This means that more students can be trained to live on mission. This means more people can be impacted in Plano and Oklahoma City. This means more people can be impacted in your city/town/village when your students are launched back home to live out the mission. This means that the number of car washes, bake sales, and Facebook donation requests could go down while the amount of impact for the Kingdom goes up!

There you have it. The Launch Box Top 5. Questions? Comments? Let us know.

And make sure you stop by the Launch Box page on our website.

Want to know more? Check out the other posts in our Get to Know Launch Box series:


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