Summer is coming quick,, and it is shaping up to be a great one. We will be serving refugees and engaging the nations in Houston, Kansas City, and New York this summer with multiple teams and lots of students.
It's gonna be great. And it's gonna be different.
This will be our second summer without Base Camp.
People cope with this kind of disappointment in different ways. I've found that it helps me to recount the great memories from Base Camp.
I'm hoping you can help with the memories. Base Camp in iGosia is basically one huge inside joke. So I need your help as an insider. I'll get the process rolling and you can join in.
Base Camp quotes from students will always stand out.
"No, seriously. Where's my luggage!?!?!!"
"Well, that was a mildly frustrating experience."
"Ummmm, our dorm is on fire!"
"Welp, my suitcase is gone. I guess I should have seen that coming!"
Then, you have an assortment of random iGosian memories.
Raise your hand if you...
were sent to the back of the line
watched in agony as Ky threw a perfectly good piece of fruit into the lake
failed to properly stand the line behind
ate a meal with your hands tied together with a teammate
bought the wrong bus ticket and got an unnecessary tour of iGosia
think about iGosia whenever you hear that one Black Eyed Peas song
enjoyed cucumbers and tomatoes for breakfast
stayed in the One Way Out cave way too long
I know there's a ton more memories. Let's deal with it together. Share your favorite Base Camp memories on social media (hashtag iGosia) or in the comments below.