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Core Values Recap - Part 2

shu • December 11, 2023

Hope of the World

There's nothing quite like an iGo Base Camp. You may have heard about the country we invented called iGosia, but hearing about it and experiencing it are two very different things. You are always invited to come see it for yourself as a Base Camp volunteer, by the way. Watch for that invite to hit your inbox closer to the summer. 

The iGosian cross-cultural experience can change from year to year. It always helps to keep things fresh, and to keep the repeat students on their toes. But one thing that doesn't change is the iGo Core Values. These biblical doctrines are what we teach at all our Base Camps every single year. They are crucial truths to help us engage God's mission well and live on mission always.

We invite you in for a sneak peek into the teaching from Base Camp. No luggage will be lost in the writing or reading of this email. 

We started last week with a focus on The Bottom Line (Core Value #1). God's ultimate agenda and purpose is to be worshiped and glorified in all the earth. This is what He is doing and the bottom line reason behind everything He does. 

Our next Core Value - The Hope of the World - tells us how God plans to accomplish His purpose. And the answer is through His church. The hope of the world is the local church. 

We know that sounds a little off to many of you. The expectation is that we would say Jesus is the hope of the world. That is the "Sunday School" answer to give whenever you are in doubt, but it actually seems really right this time. 

You're not wrong. Because of the gospel, Jesus truly is the hope of the world. However, God's plan (His only plan) to make Jesus known to the world is through His church. The mission to make disciples of all nations is the mission of the church. 

The apostle Paul is the GOAT when it comes to missionaries. He wanted to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. How did he do that? He planted churches. In fact, in Romans 15, Paul talks about how there is no longer room for him to work in a huge geographical area - from Jerusalem all the way to Illyricum.

Was the work really done in all those villages, towns, and cities? Of course not. But Paul had planted churches all throughout that region, and those churches would carry out the mission. 

God's plan to bring the gospel to every nation, tribe, and tongue is going to be carried out through the church. This has all kinds of ramifications for all of us, but here are a couple we want to highlight: 

  • Disconnecting from the church is disconnecting from God's mission
  • The church is God's sending agency no matter what org you serve with
  • iGo's role is to partner with churches in order to train them for the mission

We are so thankful for you and for the hundreds of churches you represent. We count it a privilege to partner with so many churches to help teach and train students and adults to live on mission. If we aren't currently partnering with your church, please let us know how we can start a conversation regarding our opportunities and ways we can serve your students and your body. 

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