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Comfort with Comfort

Lance Shumake • May 5, 2020

It’s not supposed to end with you.

God blesses His people. We’ve been teaching that here at iGo for all of our 20 years. And we don’t plan to stop. But the blessing of God on His people is not meant to just be a blessing for His people.

The bottom line of God’s blessing is that He wants you and I to share that blessing with our friends, our neighbors, our classmates, refugees, and the whole wide world.

We are blessed to be a blessing.

We are blessed to bring a blessing to others, so that others will then turn and bless the Lord. God will get the glory. God will get the credit. God will be made famous.

In spite of what the old hymn challenges us to do, I don’t think any of us can actually count all our blessings and name them one by one. There simply are too many, and our phones would distract us at some point anyway.

So let’s just talk about one blessing. The blessing of comfort.

Check out what Paul says here in 2 Corinthians 1:3–4.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

That is quite a blessing. God comforts us in all our affliction. And it is clear that He is more than able to comfort us. He is the God of ALL comfort.

Have you experienced his comfort in this season of quarantine, isolation, and loss? I hope so. And according to this passage, I would bet so. This is one of the ways that God blesses us. He doesn’t always take away the affliction, which is another topic for another day. But he comforts us in all our affliction.

Take a few moments right now and think about how you have experienced his comfort over the last few weeks. Maybe over the last few days.

Now, consider the bottom line of his comfort. Did you see the “so that” in the passage? Go back and read it again.

He comforts us so that we may be able to comfort others. It doesn’t end with us. It is supposed to sink down deep, fill us up, and spill over onto others.

So here is the challenge. Embrace the bottom line of this truth today. Who do you know that could use some comfort? Who do you know that needs encouragement? Who do you know that benefit from a reminder of the truth of God’s love right now?

A friend? A sibling (yep, it really could be a sibling)? A parent (I really went there)? Your youth pastor? Your pastor? A teacher? A missionary? Someone you know needs God’s comfort right now. And it may be God’s plan to bring his comfort through you.

Send them a text. Write them a letter. Snap them a chat. Gram them a story–right this instant. Give them a call.

Comfort others with His comfort. Pass it on. #TuesdayTruth

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