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3 Approaches to Church Engagement – Checkpoint #4 on the MAP

iGo Global Staff • Aug 30, 2013

At iGo Global over the years we have developed a MAP for our students as they return from an overseas experience. This  Missional Action Plan (MAP)  won’t help you find your iGosian History class, but it will help you continue to continue the journey to becoming someone who lives on mission day in and day out. Check it out.

Checkpoint #4 – Engage the Body

As you learned at Base Camp, the local church is God’s chosen instrument to bring His message of hope to the world. When you are engaging your church, you are engaging God’s mission. And there is no alternative Biblically. If you disengage from the church, you have disengaged from the mission. It really is that simple.

So how do you engage your church at this stage of your life, especially after your overseas experience? Here are 3 approaches to consider .

1. Go in low while aiming high. You are not returning home from the mission field in order to fix all the things that may or may not be wrong with your church. You are not the hero your church is longing for. Your first approach is to look for ways you can serve. Yes, go in low like a servant. Ask your student pastor how you can serve the people of your church. And be careful not to roll your eyes as if what he suggests is beneath a missionary of your caliber. Remember – Jesus said that true greatness is found in serving others, putting others first, meeting the needs of others before you meet your own. So as you go low, you are really aiming high. You are aiming for true greatness.

2. Here today. Here tomorrow. Let’s face it. People are not committed to much of anything anymore. Our maybe means no way, and our yes usually means if I can’t come up with a good excuse I might. Church engagement is caught up in this cultural mindset. Don’t decide on Sunday morning whether or not you should show up. Make a permanent calendar appointment at your church on Sunday morning and see if that might even begin to affect your choice of curfew and bedtime on Saturday. Homework assigned on Tuesday and not due until Thursday? Don’t push that off till Wednesday night so you are forced to miss time with the youth group. Make your presence with God’s people at your church a real, old-school, genuine priority.

3. Lookout for the evidences of grace. I know, I know. Your church has a lot of problems, right? And now that you have seen the world and been in God’s work you are having a hard time. So what. Yep, I said it. So what. God still loves your church more than you can imagine. And here is a news flash for you: God is at work in and through your church. Even if you don’t like the music. Even if your SS teacher reads the lesson. Even if your pastor chases rabbits. Even if your youth minister just left. Even if all your friends go to a cooler church. So stop and look around. Anyone can see the faults and weaknesses. Will you choose to look past those and see the evidence of God’s grace working and transforming His people into the image of His Son? Chances are that evidence is all around you.


The last detour on the MAP corresponds with this last Checkpoint. If you find yourself struggling (especially with point 3 above) it is time to revisit the core values . Apply those same core values that helped you understand the work overseas to your church. Embrace the bottom line and engage your church as a servant for God’s glory and God’s glory alone. Remember that God has an Ancient Work going right on schedule and look for ways to join it. Sow seeds and trust any and all results/changes/revivals to God. And remember that we are talking about the Hope of the World.

What about you? What are ways as a student you have fully engaged the local church?

Student ministers, help us out. How do you want your students to engage? Anything to add to the list?  



Other posts about the MAP:
Checkpoint #1
Checkpoint #2
Checkpoint #3

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